How to Make New Friends in College: Tips and Strategies

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College can be an exciting time, full of new experiences and opportunities.

But time can be challenging, particularly when making new friends.

Whether you’re an introvert, shy, or struggling to find people with similar interests, making new friends in college can be daunting.

Here are a few tips and strategies to help you navigate this tricky terrain.

Attend Orientation Events

Orientation events are designed to help new students get acclimated to college life, and they’re a great place to meet new people.

These events are often set up to encourage people to talk to each other and work together, which makes them a great place to meet potential friends.

Attend as many orientation events as possible, and be bold and introduce yourself to new people.

Join a Club or Organization

Joining a club or organization is the easiest way to make new friends in college.

There is usually a wide range of clubs and organizations to choose from, covering everything from sports to politics to the arts.

Look for a club that aligns with your interests and passions, and attend their meetings and events regularly.

It will allow you to meet like-minded people and form connections with those who share your interests.

Volunteer for Campus Events

Volunteering for campus events is another excellent way to meet new people.

Campus events like concerts, festivals, and fundraisers always need volunteers, and this is a chance to work alongside other students and make new friends.

Volunteering also shows that you’re invested in your campus community, which can be a great way to make a positive impression on your peers.

Be Open and Approachable

Some of the most important things you can do when trying to make new friends in college is to be open and approachable.

This means being friendly and welcoming to others, even if you feel nervous or unsure.

Smile, make eye contact, and be willing to talk with someone new.

Remember, everyone else is in the same boat as you and most people are also looking to make new friends.

Use Social Media

Social media can be an excellent resource for making new friends in college.

Many schools have online communities where students can connect, such as Facebook groups.

Join these groups and participate in conversations, share your interests and hobbies, and be willing to reach out and connect with others.

Social media may also be a great way to stay in touch with people you’ve met and organize social events and get-targets.

Attend Social Events

Lastly, attending social events is a fantastic way to meet new people in college.

Social events, such as parties, game nights, and movie screenings, aim to unite people and promote a sense of community.


Making new friends in college can be challenging, but it’s also an essential part of the experience.

By attending orientation events, joining clubs and organizations, volunteering for campus events, being open and approachable, using social media, and attending social events, you can boost your probability of making meaningful connections.

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